Master the TU Delft aerospace entrance exam

DelftPrep offers specialized exam preparation and learning resources to help you secure your place in the Aerospace Engineering program at TU Delft.
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Our Offer

What we do


Mobius Practice

Prepare with over 300 questions on Mobius, the official TU Delft exam software, ensuring a realistic and reliable Aerospace Engineering academic test experience.

Online Crash Course

Join our live online lectures designed specifically for the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering entrance exam, complemented by interactive Q&A sessions to solidify your knowledge.

Private Tutoring

Enhance your learning with private tutoring sessions by expert tutors who have successfully passed the TU Delft Aerospace selection procedure.

Realistic Entrance Exam Preparation

Experience the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering entrance exam dynamics with our Mobius integrated platform, mirroring real test conditions for optimal preparation.

Practice on the Real Testing Platform

Acquaint yourself with the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering selection test environment with our practice exams, all designed on the same software used in the actual exam.

Extensive Question Bank

Dive into our pool of over 300 questions, designed to align with the actual exam format and complexity.
iPhone mockup

Timed Exam Simulations

Sharpen your time management skills with our exam simulations, replicating the pressure and pacing of the actual test.

Comprehensive Solution Guides

Learn and improve with detailed solutions, helping you understand your mistakes and better prepare for the selection test

Our packages

Single-Subject Prep

Choose one subject to practice and learn
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Access to over 100+ practice questions of the topic of your choice.
Realistic exam simulations on the official TU Delft software.
Detailed answers and solutions.
Practice under real-time constraints to improve your time management.

All-Subject Prep

Practice all subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and First Year Material
Learn more
Access to over 100+ Mathematics practice questions
Access to over 100+ Physics practice questions
Access to over 100+ First Year Material practice questions
Realistic exam simulations on the official TU Delft software.
Detailed answers and solutions.
Practice under real-time constraints to improve your time management.

Crash Course +
All-Subject Prep

Online crash course with Q&A sessions and practice all subjects
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Everything from the All-Subject Prep Package.
6 days online crash course (48 hours total)
Interactive live online lectures covering all exam topics.
Real-time Q&A sessions for immediate clarification and support.
Access to recorded lectures
Option to book extra private tutoring sessions

Why choose us?

Delivering a unique blend of benefits to accelerate your TU Delft Aerospace Engineering entrance exam preparation.

Customized preparation

At DelftPrep, we understand that every student is unique. That's why we offer a range of packages and resources, and a specially designed assessment quiz to help identify the best preparation plan for your individual learning style and needs.

Realistic exam simulation

Our online practice tests use the same software as the TU Delft entrance exam. With over 300 practice questions and timed exams, you'll familiarize yourself with the software and get comfortable with the exam format.

Expert tutoring

All our tutors have successfully passed the Aerospace Engineering selection procedure at TU Delft. They know what it takes to succeed and are here to guide you through your preparation journey.

Flexible learning options

Whether you prefer self-study, interactive live lectures, or personalized tutoring, DelftPrep has you covered. Choose the learning style that suits you best and adjust as needed.

Find your perfect package

Not sure which DelftPrep package is right for you? Take our short quiz to find your best fit.

Frequently asked questions

Who should use DelftPrep?
DelftPrep is an invaluable resource for anyone aiming to excel in the Aerospace Engineering entrance exam at TU Delft, providing tailored preparation materials and support.
I didn't get in last year. Which package should I choose?
If you were close to passing the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering admission test last year, our All-Subject Prep Plan is ideal, focusing on extensive question practice. For those seeking a comprehensive review, including theory and problem-solving, our Crash Course is highly recommended.
How can I sign up for a free trial?
To sign up for a free trial, click the "Free trial" button on our homepage. You'll be added to a waitlist, and we'll contact you as soon as a slot opens up.
Is payment secure?
We use Stripe for all payment processing. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and holds a PCI Service Provider Level 1 certification, the most stringent in the payments industry.
Is DelftPrep affiliated with TU Delft?
DelftPrep operates independently from TU Delft, comprised of Aerospace Engineering alumni well-versed in the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering admission process.
How can I book private tutoring sessions?
Exclusive to our Crash Course + All-Subject Prep package students, private tutoring for TU Delft Aerospace Engineering prep can be arranged by emailing us for availability and rates.
How can I know which package is right for me?
To help you decide which package suits you best, we've developed an assessment quiz. This quiz considers your current level of preparation, study habits, and learning preferences. Based on your responses, it will recommend a package tailored to your needs.
How does DelftPrep's Full Assessment package work?
Our Full Assessment package offers a realistic practice environment, utilizing the same software as the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering entrance exam. Upon purchase, you will receive an email within 10 minutes containing all necessary details to access the Mobius platform and commence your preparation.
How is the online crash course conducted?
Our Online Crash Course unfolds through live sessions hosted on Zoom, covering essential topics for the Aerospace Engineering entrance exam at TU Delft. The course includes interactive Q&A sessions, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Discover more about the course dates .
How long will I have access to the Mobius platform?
You will have access to the Mobius platform until April 1st, 2024. After this date, your access will expire.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the non-returnable nature of our digital products once they're downloaded, all purchases are non-refundable. We offer a free trial to ensure you understand what you're purchasing.
How can I contact DelftPrep for further queries?
For further queries, please get in touch through the Contact Us form on our website or email us at We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact us

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Welcome to DelftPrep's Free Trial Waitlist! 👋
  • 🗓 Duration: The free trial lasts for 5 days.
  • 🚀 What You'll Get: Gain access to selected questions and experience the Mobius platform first-hand.
  • Verification: After signing up, please verify your email to secure your spot on the waitlist.
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